The LSSI-CE, requires everyone who has a blog or web to warn the user of the existence of cookies, inform about them and require permission to download them.

It is not always possible to have updated information about the cookies that third parties can use through this website.

Therefore, in case you encounter this type of cookies on this website and are not listed in the following list, I inform you of the importance of communicating it to me. You can also contact the third party directly to request information about the cookies you place, the purpose and duration of the cookie, and how you have guaranteed your privacy.

How can we classify cookies?

According to its purpose:

Technical cookies: Technical cookies are those essential and strictly necessary for the proper functioning of a Web portal and the use of the different options and services offered. For example, those that serve for the maintenance of the session, the management of response time, performance or validation of options, use security elements, share content with social networks, etc.

Personalization cookies: These cookies allow the user to specify or customize some characteristics of the general options of the Web page, for example, to define the language, regional configuration or browser type.

Analytical cookies: Analytical cookies are those used by our Web portals, to develop navigation profiles and to know the preferences of the users of the same in order to improve the supply of products and services. For example, an analytical cookie would control the geographical areas of greatest interest to a user, which is the most widely accepted product, etc.

Advertising / advertising cookies: Advertising cookies allow the management of advertising spaces based on specific criteria. For example the frequency of access, the edited content, etc. Advertising cookies allow through the management of advertising to store behavioral information through the observation of habits, studying access and forming a profile of user preferences, to offer advertising related to the interests of their profile.

According to term:

Session Cookies: Session cookies are those that last as long as the user is browsing the Web page and are deleted at the end.

Persistent cookies: These cookies are stored in the user's terminal, for a longer time, thus facilitating the control of the preferences chosen without having to repeat certain parameters each time the website is visited.

This website uses its own and third-party cookies to ensure that you have a better browsing experience, you can share content on social networks, to show you ads based on your interests and to obtain user statistics.

As a user, you can reject the processing of data or information by blocking these cookies through the appropriate configuration of your browser. However, you should know that, if you do, this site will not work properly.

According to the terms included in article 22.2 of the Law 34/2002 on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, if you continue browsing, you will be giving your consent for the use of the cookies that I detail below.

The cookies on this website help:

• Make this website work correctly 
• Save you having to log in every time you visit this site 
• Remind you of your adjustments during and between visits 
• Allow you to watch videos 
• Improve site speed / security 
• That you can share pages with social networks 
• Continuously improve this website 
• Show ads based on your browsing habits

We will never use cookies to:

• Collect personally identifiable information (without your express permission) 
• Collect sensitive information (without your express permission) 
• Share personal identification data with third parties

This website, like most websites, includes features provided by third parties. New designs or third-party services are also regularly tested for recommendations and reports. This may occasionally modify the configuration of cookies and that cookies not listed in this policy may appear. It is important that you know that they are temporary cookies that it is not always possible to inform and that they only have purposes of study and evaluation. Under no circumstances will cookies be used that compromise your privacy.

Among the most stable third-party cookies are:

• Those generated by analysis services, specifically, Google Analytics to help the website analyze the use made by the users of the website and improve its usability, but in no case are they associated with data that could identify the user. Google Analytics, is a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc., a Delaware company whose main office is at 1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountain View (California), CA 94043, United States ("Google").

The user can check here the type of cookies used by Google. Google+ cookie and Google Maps, according to what is on your page about what type of cookies they use.

• Google Adwords tracking: We use Google AdWords conversion tracking. Conversion tracking is a free tool that indicates what 
It happens after a customer clicks on the ads, whether they have purchased a product or subscribed to their newsletter. These cookies expire after 30 days and do not contain information that can identify you personally.

For more information about Google conversion tracking and the privacy policy.

The advertising generated by AdWords, based on the interests of the user, are generated and shown based on information collected from activities and navigations that the user performs on other websites, use of devices, apps or related software, interaction with other Google tools (DoubleClick cookies).

DoubleClick uses cookies to improve advertising. Cookies are commonly used to target ads based on relevant content for a user, improve the performance reports of the campaign and avoid showing ads that the user has already seen.

DoubleClick uses cookie IDs to have a record of which ads have been shown in certain browsers. At the moment of publishing an ad in a browser, 
DoubleClick can use that browser's cookie ID to verify which DoubleClick ads have already been shown on that specific browser. This is how DoubleClick avoids showing ads that the user has already seen.Similarly, cookie IDs allow DoubleClick to record conversions for ad requests, such as when a user views a DoubleClick ad and, later, uses the same browser to visit the advertiser's website and make a purchase. .

DoubleClick cookies do not contain personal identifying information. Occasionally, the cookie contains an additional identifier similar in appearance to the cookie ID. This identifier is used to identify an advertising campaign to which a user had previously been exposed; however, DoubleClick does not store any other type of data in the cookie and, in addition, the information is not personally identifiable.

• WordPress: The Web is a user of the WordPress blog hosting and hosting platform, owned by the American company Automattic, Inc. For this purpose, the 
Use of such cookies by the systems is never under the control or management of the person responsible for the website, they can change their function at any time, and enter new cookies.

These cookies also do not report any benefit to the person responsible for this website. Automattic, Inc., also uses other cookies in order to help identify and track visitors to WordPress sites, learn about their use of the Automattic website, as well as their preferences for access to it, as It is included in the "Cookies" section of its privacy policy.

• Social network cookies: Social network cookies can be stored in your browser while you browse the web, for example, when you use the share button 
contents of the web in a social network.

The companies that generate these cookies corresponding to the social networks used by this website have their own cookie policies: 
• Twitter cookie, according to the provisions of its privacy policy and the use of cookies. 
• Facebook cookie, according to the provisions of its Cookies Policy 
• I also use cookies for affiliate services for Amazon products, for example, so when I recommend a product, and definitely buy after going through the Amazon platform, I will have a commission.

Then, and as required by article 22.2 of the LSSI, the cookies that can be installed usually during browsing through this website are detailed:

Cookies: NID __utma, __utmb, __utmc, __utmd, __utmv, __utmz 
Duration: 2 years 
Purpose: They allow tracking the website through the Google Analytics tool, which is a service provided by Google to obtain information on user access to websites. Some of the data stored for further analysis are: the number of times the user has visited the website, dates of the first and last visit of the user, duration of visits, page from which the user has accessed the website , search engine that the user has used to reach the website or link that he has selected, place in the world from which the user accesses, etc. The configuration of these cookies is predetermined by the service offered by Google, which is why we suggest you check the privacy page of Google Analytics, for get more information about the cookies you use and how to disable them (understanding that we are not responsible for the content or the veracity of the websites of third parties) 
Cookies:, DSIS- IDE-ID 
Duration: 30 days 
Purpose: This cookie is used to return to targeting, optimization, reporting and the 
Attribution of online ads. DoubleClick sends a cookie to the browser after any impression, click or other activity that results in a call to the DoubleClick server. If the browser accepts the cookie, it is stored there] 
Cookies: fr 
Duration: 90 days 
Purpose: This is the main advertising cookie of Facebook. It is used to offer, analyze and improve the 
relevance of business 
Cookies: sb 
Duration: 2 years since installation 
Purpose: This is the main advertising cookie of Facebook. It is used to offer, analyze and 
Improve the relevance of ads 
Cookies: prli_clicks_ prli_visitor 
Duration: clicks lasts 30 days and visitor lasts 365 days 
Purpose: These are cookies that track the clicks that are made in each 
Link and Pretty Links shows statistics.

If you do not want websites to place cookies on your device, you can adapt your browser settings so that you are notified before any cookies are downloaded. Similarly, you can adapt the configuration so that the browser rejects all cookies, or only third-party cookies. You can also delete any of the cookies that are already on your computer. Keep in mind that you will have to adapt the configuration of each browser and equipment that you use separately.

The website makes available to users who want to prevent the installation of the aforementioned cookies, links provided for this purpose by browsers whose use is considered most widespread: Google Chrome - Internet Explorer - Mozilla Firefox - Apple Safari

The relationship between the person responsible for the website and the USER will be governed by current Spanish regulations and any dispute will be submitted to the Courts and Tribunals of the city of Barcelona, ​​unless the applicable Law provides otherwise.